Malashock Dance
The Client:
Malashock Dance was founded by John Malashock in 1988 and has an impressive track record which includes the performance of 100 original dance works, annual performances, workshops and collaboration with other cultural organizations. Malashock Dance productions have earned top awards in San Diego among the dance and theatre communities, including six Emmy Awards for its dance films which have aired on over 30 affiliate PBS stations nationwide.
The Challenge:
As Malashock was approaching its 30th year anniversary and they were ready to evolve their brand in a way that both honored their past and envisioned their future in the hope of reaching a new and broader audience. With those goals in mind, we went to work designing and branding almost every aspect of their company: website, eblasts, signage, marketing materials and event programs. Having established a vision for their brand, the next challenge was to design the materials for each individual event.
The Solution:
The Mance Creative Team drew on the natural beauty of the shapes and movements that are intrinsic to dance and used variations of a common graphic element to brand each event. This allowed each event to have its own aesthetic, yet maintained a unified feeling across the season and maintained consistency with their new brand. Immediately they received positive feedback from the public. Both their loyal followers and a newer audience took notice of the updated designs and sensed that something exciting was underway! Go to to view the website.